Bad Things About the Monopoly

Makes people think they can only vote for candidate. By voting for issues instead of candidates, you (politically speaking) open up totally new worlds.  Voting for any person and expecting them to go off to D.C or City council and take care of everything is foolish. Whoever they are they have to get money from someone so they can campaign so they can stay in office. My Lord Initiative No. 2 solves this problem (see it on this website.)

Makes people think they can only vote once very four years for twelve hours on the second Tuesday in November. You do not have to put yourself in this teeny, tiny, little box that the Democrat and Republican Monopoly wants to put you in and keep you in. To communicate with someone who is elected and in office, you do not need to carry a sign, go to a candidate forum, or knock on doors. You only need to do something which only takes a few minutes and does not cost any money, which is to call or e-mail or tweet them once per week or once every two weeks, or once per month or  ???

Makes people think their votes are worthless. If you voted in the 2020 Presidential Election, you are only one of 150 million. Was you vote worthless then? You only have one vote. By committing to communicating people who are actually elected, and in office, you are exponentially increasing the power of your one vote every time you communicate with them. 

Makes people think that when they talk with their friends or on FB, they are actually doing something. What you are doing is probably one of two things, 1) sharing your opinion, and 2) venting your anger. This is nothing wrong with sharing your opinion and is a very good thing to vent your anger BUT…The only people who can actually do anything or change anything politically is someone who is actually elected and in office. This is why you need to commit to  communicating with them on a regular basis.

Makes people constantly argue, fight, disagree, etc. about what they don’t agree about. The constitution can be changed/amended when 3/4 or 75% of the state legislatures agree or ratify an amendment. If 75% of the body politic agree on something, it doesn’t matter what the Supreme Court, or the President or ??? say or want, the people’s will can be done. If (this is just an example and no, I don’t support this) 75% of the voting population want death penalty for parking violations, it can happen. If 75% of the population want prayer to be allowed in schools, that can happen. If that 75% of the voting population want Lord Initiative’s Numbers 1 and 2 on this website implemented, that can happen. BUT…they have to do something that only takes a few minutes and doesn’t cost any money, which is actually tell someone who is elected. 

Makes people think their vote does not make any difference so I should not bother. If you voted in the 2020 Presidential election you were just ONE of one hundred and fifty million. Despite this you voted. If you voted, then I assume you did not think your vote was worthless. You only have one vote. That is all. All you can do is express it. The idea you are going to communicate your stance or position or what you think about an issue to someone who is elected and then they are going to salute and say yes to whatever you want is ludicrous. The reason to to express is very simple and I will frame it in the form of a question. Is it ever wrong to stand up for what you believe in? If the answer is no, then it does not/ should not matter if you are the only one sharing it with someone who can actually do something about it.